MHG was part of a team led by Delmar Architects to redesign and modernize Candlewood Elementary School. The scope included demolition of an existing one-story building and construction of a two-story facility that will allow for future expansion. The school campus includes new parking and loading areas, circulation for student pick up and drop off, updated playgrounds, and a large elevated athletic field. MHG worked extensively with Montgomery County Public Schools and the design team to address and design for the significant grade change throughout the site in order to provide safe, accessible routes from the public right-of-way. MHG also designed all stormwater management facilities, site utilities and landscaping on the campus. Several Environmental Site Design (ESD) practices were utilized on the site, including micro-bioretention, bio-swales and an extensive green roof. This development was constructed by Keller Construction Management and MHG provided all construction administration services.

Architect: Delmar Architects

11.8 acres

LEED-Silver rating, 2015